Artigo Especial

Manual de diluição e administração de medicamentos por acessos enterais  

Manual of dilution and administration of drugs by enteral accesses  

Ricardo Ferrer, Flávia Mayra Joaquim, Ariany Mecabô Pavan, Bruna Fernanda Camargo Silva Parra, Liane Brescovici Nunes de Matos, Antonio Valério da Silva Júnior, Flavia Julie do Amaral Pfeilsticker, Matheus Horta Sad, Diogo Oliveira Toledo

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Preparações Farmacêuticas. Nutrição Enteral. Apoio Nutricional. Intubação Gastrointestinal.


Patients with enteral tube feeding mostly receive medications through enteral tubes. The Nutrition Therapy Multidisciplinary Team (NTMT) is responsible to develop a strategy in order to guarantee the safety and durability of the enteral tubes through a pharmacologic therapy policy which provides a long term assistance free of risks. In this document, a manual of dilution and pharmacologic administration through enteral tube feedings was developed. It includes the active principle, the commercial name, the ability of administration through enteral tube, and the recommendations concerning the administration and manipulation of the drugs. Indeed, the manual describes the medications which are not supposed to be administered by the enteral access and the alternatives or suggestions in case of unavailability of the first line therapy. This document aims to categorize the medications and their dilution and administration by enteral tube feedings. A review was performed including the analysis of drug prescriptions and previous pharmacologic assistance manuals, which comprehends national and international guides of drug administration by enteral route. Those findings were described by a colored table with legends to ease the comprehension of best practice in manipulation and administration of the drug


Pharmaceutical Preparations. Enteral Nutrition. Nutritional Support. Intubation, Gastrointestinal.
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